with Maggie Dickens

It all starts with

one short email…

Hey there!

I know it may sound corny but I’m so glad you’re here. It took me FAR too long to find my purpose driven, values based life. It took even longer to find my people. Ya’know, the group of other women who chose to find a purpose outside of having children. People just like you and I can’t wait for you to join us in this fulfilling journey. 

I’m here to chat about pretty much anything (my faves are: dogs, early 2000s pop music, travel destinations, etc). AND of course, anything related to living unapologetically childfree–I’ve gotchu. 

Drop your questions, funny dog stories, or even current thoughts on living a life that YOU have been craving–not the life that you were told to have. 

Oh and if forms aren’t your gig or you want to get a bit more personal, you can email me directly at hello@maggiedickens.com


I respond to all messages here and via email within 2 business days (really it’s much faster but I’ve been told to say longer in case I am distracted to see if it’s a “Bones day” or not).